In this article, you will learn how to schedule your page to be published at a particular time and date.
Schedule Publish is available only for the Optimize and Enterprise plans, check out our pricing page for a full comparison chart between all Gempages plans.
Schedule to publish a page in GemPages V6
Step 1: Click the three-dot button on the top right corner of the Editor and select Schedule Publish.
Step 2: Select your desired date and time, then choose Apply.
After you schedule the published date successfully, the Default button will turn to Scheduled.
Reschedule and Cancel the page publication in GemPages V6
These actions can be done on the Schedule Publish calendar. Just select the new date and time to reschedule the publication, or cancel it by turning off the toggle button.
And don’t forget to click Apply to save all your changes!
Note: Scheduled pages remain draft pages until the publication date, so you can access and edit the page at any time. Only when the page is published that you can use Analytics features such as A/B Testing.
Schedule to publish a page in GemPages V7
Scheduling page publication is not available in GemPages V7 at this time.
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